What's Going On...
Hey Folks,
Sorry for the gap in responses-- in the midst of all the recent shakeups, my computer seems to have up and died, so I've been getting by on borrowed machines and library terminals to tend to my union correspondence. And, golly, there's been a lot of it lately.
I'm still seeking out job leads for our friends who got laid off and though as you're all well aware, the industry's pretty lousy right now, have managed to turn up a few promising things with the help of other union locals and friends elsewhere in the industry. Anything you guys come across, journalism or otherwise, please let me know and I'll pass it along to 'em.
On another note, I went on an interesting trip last week up to Bakersfield to gather some information about how the Californian has brought more multimedia and Internet work into the newsroom. This is a big push, both on the union and the company side, 'cause we're all going to have to figure out how to adapt to the changing world of journalism. So, we worked out a little partnership-- the union paid travel costs and the paper paid for the time I was gone and sent along online editor Josh Kleinbaum, as well.
I'm glad to report that the trip was fascinating. With just a small crew of dedicated personnel, the Californian has put together a Web site that's become a model for much of the industry. More importantly, they've found ways to work the new technology into the newsroom so it doesn't become too much of a burden on the staff. As a result, they're making money, online readership is up and the staff seems pretty jazzed about having new reporting tools at hand. Josh and I are now working with Ron and Melissa to figure out ways that we can adapt some of those tools for use at the Daily News.
So that's all I've got for the moment, but I'll hopefully be in touch soon. In the meantime, thanks for your support and nice job putting out the paper lately-- we've had some good looking stuff across the board in the last few weeks.
Sorry for the gap in responses-- in the midst of all the recent shakeups, my computer seems to have up and died, so I've been getting by on borrowed machines and library terminals to tend to my union correspondence. And, golly, there's been a lot of it lately.
I'm still seeking out job leads for our friends who got laid off and though as you're all well aware, the industry's pretty lousy right now, have managed to turn up a few promising things with the help of other union locals and friends elsewhere in the industry. Anything you guys come across, journalism or otherwise, please let me know and I'll pass it along to 'em.
On another note, I went on an interesting trip last week up to Bakersfield to gather some information about how the Californian has brought more multimedia and Internet work into the newsroom. This is a big push, both on the union and the company side, 'cause we're all going to have to figure out how to adapt to the changing world of journalism. So, we worked out a little partnership-- the union paid travel costs and the paper paid for the time I was gone and sent along online editor Josh Kleinbaum, as well.
I'm glad to report that the trip was fascinating. With just a small crew of dedicated personnel, the Californian has put together a Web site that's become a model for much of the industry. More importantly, they've found ways to work the new technology into the newsroom so it doesn't become too much of a burden on the staff. As a result, they're making money, online readership is up and the staff seems pretty jazzed about having new reporting tools at hand. Josh and I are now working with Ron and Melissa to figure out ways that we can adapt some of those tools for use at the Daily News.
So that's all I've got for the moment, but I'll hopefully be in touch soon. In the meantime, thanks for your support and nice job putting out the paper lately-- we've had some good looking stuff across the board in the last few weeks.