Friday, April 04, 2008

Ron Kaye

We lost a great editor today.
Ron Kaye leaves the paper after 23 years.
He has been the backbone and personality of the Daily News for so long and he made the newsroom a fun, challenging and kooky place to work.
As a manager, he is respectful of his employees, yet pushes us to dig deeper, be more creative and do this job more passionately. That's been an inspiration, especially over the last year as the newsroom budget was cut and cut again.
But Ron really showed his true character in February during the layoffs. He met with every person let go. He apologized. He cried for the newsroom. We were told the truth and treated with dignity. And that is what every worker deserves from their boss.
I could go on and on.

Here's Ron's goodbye message:

All good things in life come to an end sooner or later, even my love affair
with the Daily News.
What will always be with me is my love and respect for all of you.
You've shown in the last two plus years just how talented and capable you
are working together -- so capable you've made me obsolete. Under the
circumstances, I'll always be grateful for that. Doug Hanes will be
announcing my successor on Monday and I hope you will give that person the same effort and support you've given me. You have made this into a real newspaper with a soul and passion and creativity and shown your commitment to discover how this newspaper, any newspaper, can survive in the digital age. I know it can be done and I wish you all the best in whatever you, wherever the road leads you.
Thanks for everything, these have been the happiest and most fulfilling
years of my life. Keep the faith, love always.