Sunday, October 01, 2006

More Money, Less Problems

Hey Folks,

I got a bunch of questions about when we'd be getting our union raise, so I wanted to remind everyone to double check their last paycheck to ensure that you got it. As a result of our contract and the hard work you put in, we all got a 2.25 percent increase in our wages. I know it'll never be enough to pay you all for the important work you do, but it's still the best contract we've seen in years. In times when many of our counterparts in the industry are laying people off and trying to keep a lid on expenses, we've got more of a sense of stability and more money in the bank.

And since our business thrives on anniversary stories, let me take a quick moment to point out some of the union's successes in the past year since the contract was ratified. We've continued to see our membership grow in nearly every department, making us stronger and more representative than we've ever been. We've intervened in disciplinary matters to ensure employees were treated fairly and worked with management to deal with editors who got out of hand. We've helped bring new employees into the newsroom and forged a more collaborative relationship with the paper's leadership to solve problems before they come up.

And most importantly, we've worked like crazy all year long. Our staff is so lean, everyone's gotta pitch in, but it feels good to look around the newsroom and see a talented bunch of people every day. You guys bust it every single day and believe me, that makes our job as the union so much easier. We're not sticking up for slackers; we're working to make things better for a bunch of people who deserve it.

So that's where your raise comes from. And it's also where we need your help-- if we're going to hope for better contracts and better raises in the future, we're going to need more members. We've seen how much better things have gotten as we've grown in membership and there's no reason we can't aim even higher. So if you're already a member, help us bring in more folks to help out. If you haven't joined yet, let us know what we can do to bring you onboard. We want to be here for you, but we need your support and guidance on how best to serve you.

So that's it for this Sunday night missive-- we've made tremendous strides from the old days when our membership meetings could be held in a single booth at Ruby's. The Daily News is a better place than it used to be but we can never settle for just alright-- we've all got to keep at it until it's the paper that we want it to be. Thank you to all of you who help work toward that goal.



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