Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday meeting recap

Hey folks,

So no news is good news, I suppose. While it seemed like the company was poised to announce buyout offers, no news ever came. Apparently, they're re-reviewing plans yet again to see how they can cut costs without wrecking the paper. It's not the best news, but it's certainly better than some of the talk heard in recent weeks, so I hope that provides some hope.

Thanks to all of you who made the meeting at the Kandels tonight-- we were quite pleased with the turnout and made a lot of progress. There's too much to discuss now (because, well, I'm running out of battery power on the laptop and energy in my mind), so we'll have a few catch up sessions tomorrow and Friday to fill people in in person and solicit ideas on how to go forward.

Kerry and I will be around the DN around noon to take your questions over lunch. We'll grab a couple pizzas and talk on break and let everyone in on the plan and what we've heard. Then on Friday, if there are still unanswered questions, we can meet quickly after work at El Torito to talk over drinks.

If you can't make either of those, feel free to grab us or any other member to chat at any time. Things are looking tough, but we're not going to just sit around and hope for the best. Together, we can take a stand and keep this place alive.

Thanks for your time and we'll see ya tomorrow,


Blogger Los Angeles Fire Department said...


My thoughts continue to be with you and your colleagues in what is clearly a difficult week.

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

12:35 AM  

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